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  • 学校网址:http://www.sjjzx.com/sjz2005/

    校址:江苏省靖江市中洲东路  邮编:214500  电话:0523-4809006


      江苏省靖江高级中学坐落在风景秀丽的扬子江畔,置身于经济繁荣的长三角苏锡常中心地区。是江苏省四星级高中,模范学校,国家级示范性高中。自 1988 年以来,一直是省文明单位。

    文化积淀丰厚 65 年的办学历史,形成了优良的校风、教风和学风。

    师资队伍精良 学校有教职工 246 名,其中特级教师 3 名,高级教师 64 名,大市级名教师、学科带头人 11 人,国家级、省级骨干教师培训对象 15 人。有 32 人取得研究生专业课程结业证书;目前,有 60 多位教师正在参加华东师大新课程研究生班进修。

    办学思想开放 是德国安斯巴赫地区普拉腾高级中学、加拿大多伦多地区密尔顿高级中学的合作学校;是爱尔兰阿斯隆理工学院、美国暨欧洲安生文教交流基金会“雅思特色班”联办学校;是国内多所名牌院校教育、科研实验基地和生源基地。

    学生群体优秀 学校共 51 个班级,在籍学生 3000 余名,他们具有优良的道德素养和文化素养,富有创造精神和实践能力,许多学生在国家级、省级学科竞赛、科技活动、演讲比赛中荣获冠军。仅 2005 年,就有 8 位同学获省物理竞赛一等奖、 3 位同学获省生物竞赛一等奖、 4 位同学获省化学竞赛一等奖。

    育人环境优美 二〇〇三年九月,学校易地新建,新校区占地 13.9 万 m 2 ,建筑面积 8.6 万 m 2 。简明的建筑风格,和谐的人文氛围,浓郁的文化气息,构成了扬子江畔一道靓丽的风景。

    教育装备领先 数字化校园水平在全国处于领先地位。图书馆、科技馆、美育馆、天文台、实验室等设备配套齐全,功能完备,为学生的全面发展和张扬个性提供了优质教育资源。


         A Brief Introduction to Jiangsu Jingjiang High School
         Jiangsu Jingjiang High School, a provincial key school in Jiangsu Province as well as a state demonstration high school, has a glorious history of sixty years. Located on the beautiful Yangtse River and prosperous Changjiang Delta, the school has a profound cultural foundation and top-ranking educational circumstance. For many years, it has developed its excellent school spirit, precise teaching principle for teachers and exploring learning style for students.
        In September, 2003, the school was removed to the south of the city. The new school covers an area of 208 mu, and the total investment comes to RMB1.5 billion. Skillfully designed and well organized, the whole campus takes on a harmonious look. With its complete facilities, the school provides a solid basis for modern education.
         The school has a group of qualified teachers and staffs. At present, the stuff numbers 190 teaching personnel, of which there are 2 special-grade teachers, 65 senior teachers and 78 first-grade teachers. All the teachers have the degree of Bachelor, including 3 with Master's degree. They are making great efforts to promote teaching and education so as to cultivate qualified socialist personnel. Scientific research and technical innovation are encouraged, focusing on the development of originality of both teachers and students.
          The school also has a group of excellent students, making up 46 senior classes with the total 2600. They are well behaved, full of energy and eager to practice new ideas. In recent years, over 300 students in our school have won prizes in various competitions of different levels, among them 40 have gained prizes in national competitions.
        Leaded by Principal Liu Jiaxi, all the teachers and students are now doing their best to make continuous progress in the future.

    本文标签: 中学