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  • 学校网址:http://www.nyschool.org.cn/


            广州南洋英文学校( Guangzhou Nanyang International School )是全国首家双语(中英文)学校,荣获“中华之最”称号。经广州市教委批准,创建于 1993 年 5 月,属国家承认正式文凭的全日制基础教育,具幼儿园、小学、中学、出国留学“一条龙”办学规模。“公正、严谨、机智、现代”的八字校训谕示了学校育人的方向:培养德、智、体、美全面发展,适应新世纪高科技现代化需要,与国内外高等教育接轨的高素质人才。

        学校占地面积 300 余亩,环境幽静,配套设施齐全先进,建有科学馆、图书馆、少年宫、十层综合办公楼、环形跑道标准运动场、 25 × 50 米游泳池、 1200 平方米体育馆及公寓套间学生宿舍。目前,在校生一千六百多人。

        学校拥有一支高素质的教师队伍,其中有外籍教师 10 多名,分别来自美、英、澳、新等国;以及来自国内的优秀教师、特级教师、中学高级教师 20 多名,形成一支优秀、稳定的师资队伍,充分保证了教学质量。他们正为培养中西方文化兼长的国际精英人才而辛勤耕耘。



        A General Introduction to the School

        Founded with the approval of The education Bureau of Guangzhou in May 1993, Guangzhou Nanyang International School is a key private bilingual school in China. The school consists of four departments: the kindergarten, the primary school, the high school and the training center. This motto,” Just, Strict, Resourceful, Modem” guides all of the teaching affairs in the school.

        Taking up an area of 198,468m2, the school is well equipped with classroom builings, a 10-storey adminisrtration building, a library, a standard soccer field, a swimming pool etc. As a boarding school, we have well-trained caretakers and security guards. The schoool is renowned for its English program which, led by four professors, has been attracting more and more students ever since is was started. Our faculty is made up of the excellent teachers selected nation wide. The current student population is 1,600. the kindergarten charcacterized by a special early-age education method is a highlighted new department. And a project, known by us as Duplication in Other Cities, is already on the card, which means branches of the lessons have been started from the first grade o education un the school. In be carried on all the way through the 12 years of education in the school. In order to
    expose our students to another culture and better their English, the school organizes Study Tours abroad twice a year. The students' excellent scores of TOEFL ensure them better schooling abroad ,which is also one of the features of the school.

    电话:020-87826535 87828686
    本文标签: 高中 
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