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  •   广受媒体关注的英国人质比格利2004年9月29日出现在卡塔尔半岛电视台播放的画面上,他再次呼吁英国首相布莱尔满足绑架者的要求,释放被关押的伊拉克女囚犯。英国外交大臣承认救人希望渺茫。


        Kenneth Bigley, 62, appeared on the tape chained and squatting in a cage, pleading to the prime minister for help while accusing him of lying over the hostage crisis. Blair has said repeatedly he will not negotiate with the kidnappers, who demand release of women prisoners held in Iraq.

        kidnapper 的意思是“拐子、 绑匪”。例如:The boy's kidnappers demanded an enormous ransom.(绑架男孩的歹徒索要一大笔赎金)。它的动词形式是 kidnap,其近义词是 abduct。

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