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  •   时隔数十年,上个世纪末的"波黑战争"至今被世人认为是场"恶梦",而当年被海牙国际法庭指控"犯有种族灭绝罪"的姆拉吉奇近日又轰炸媒体。据塞尔维亚和黑山安全部门高级官员透露,姆拉吉奇的藏身地点已被找到,当局正在与他进行有关投降事宜的谈判。

      请看外电报道:The fugitive Bosnian Serb commander accused of orchestrating Europe's worst massacre of civilians since World War II, has been located in Serbia and authorities are negotiating his surrender, security officials said Tuesday.

      However, the officials refused to specify the exact whereabouts of Mladic's hideout, but the private Beta news agency said the former commander was found on Cer Mountain, some 60 miles west of Belgrade on the border with Bosnia.

      报道中的hideout就是"藏身点",指"a place of shelter or concealment",由动词词组hide out 衍生而来,举个例子,"The lioness hid out her cubs in the tall grass(母狮子把她的幼崽藏在深密的草丛中)。由hide的这层涵义,我们还可得到一个习惯搭配"hide nor hair"(踪迹;痕迹),如I haven't seen hide nor hair of them since the argument(自从那次争论后,我连他们的影子也没看到)。

      另外,报道中的whereabouts 也表示地点指"approximate location"(大概所在地),可以用来表示汉语中的"下落"。

    本文标签: 短语 
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