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  • 配偶声明样本

                      声 明
    尊敬的签证官先生/女士: 我是申请人**的妻子**, 我们的感情一直很好。
    在中国即将进入世贸组织之际,机遇与挑战共存,具备高学历、高素质的人才将极具发展潜力。所以我丈夫为了将来能有更好地发展,决定去英国**大学深造。 作为妻子,我支持我丈夫的留学决定。
    To: British Embassy
    Dear Sir or Madam,I am the applicant **'s wife, *** and we are compatible.
    As the approach of China's entry into WTO, there are more opportunities for us as while as we are facing more challenges. The person of high quality and education will be very promising. In order to get a bright future, my husband, ***, decided to go to the United Kingdom to pursue a Master Degree in *****university. As his wife, I support his decision.
    Please give kind consideration to my husband ****'s visa application.
    Thanks a lot!
    Person who announces:**** (signature)
    Date: ******

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