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        With the brown bear nearly extinct in the Pyrenees, France plans to import five females from Slovenia next spring. Sheep herders are not thrilled.






        关于如何保持人与熊之间的“和平共处”, 雷内斯认为,“关键是要使牧民学会保护自己的羊群”。他表示,由于熊是胆小易受惊的动物,通常情况下依靠号角声就可以让它们躲开。雷内斯为此印刷了大量小册子,向牧民介绍如何更好地用政府的补贴来添置牧羊犬等,以减少类似米鲁家羊群被熊攻击的事件的发生。




        (国际在线独家资讯 何晓鸿)


        With the brown bear nearly extinct in the Pyrenees, France plans to import five females from Slovenia next spring. Sheep herders are not thrilled. Alain Reynes planned a late August trip to Slovenia to shop for bears.

        Some of the farmers up around this Pyrenean hamlet probably wish he would stay there. Mr. Reynes is president of an organization whose aim is to restore the population of bears, now near extinction, in the Pyrenees mountains, which separate Spain and France. The French delegation to Slovenia is seeking five female bears to be let free in the mountains above Arbas next spring.

        Mr. Reynes's adversaries are local people who raise sheep in the high mountain passes, where the rich vegetation and steep slopes provide the nourishment and exercise necessary to produce particularly delectable lamb. It is especially delectable, the farmers point out, to bears.

        The mountain sheep are "smaller in size, but their meat has more flavor," said Jean Pierre Mirouz, 39, a fireplug of a man and the fourth generation of his family in this business.

        He lost 180 sheep in June after an attack by a bear stampeded his herd. More bears, he said in the kitchen of his mountain farmhouse, would be "a catastrophe."

        The dispute over the bears injects one more note of tension into a region already fraught with problems. Mr. Mirouz's lamb faces competition from cheaper lamb from New Zealand.

        Local industry is often inefficient and costly. A big aluminum plant of the Pechiney group that once provided jobs is being closed now that the company has been taken over by Alcan of Canada.

        The drive to return bears to the Pyrenees goes back a decade or so. By the mid-1990's, the number of native brown bears, diminished by human population growth and hunting, had dwindled to about a dozen. Then in 1996, two Slovenian bears, Mellba and Ziva, were transported to France and let free to roam the Pyrenees. The program suffered a setback in September 1997 when a teen-age hunter shot and killed Mellba.

        To hear Mr. Reynes, 38, tell it, the survival of bears in the Pyrenees is tantamount to a litmus test of the region's overall environmental health. "Ecologically, the bear is not indispensable," he said. But the region requires, he added, "an equilibrium of man and nature."

        The bears don't come cheap. The average price, depending on age and size, is about 7,500 euros, or about $9,200. The French government will foot the bill, though in some cases bears are given as presents, as a diplomatic gesture, from state to state.

        Mr. Reynes points to a regional survey earlier this year in which 68 percent replied that they favored more bears as an economic asset. The resistance, he says, is a "psychological problem, a cultural problem."

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