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  •  1.Scarlet:I’d like to buy a ticket to Detroit.


      A.Round-trip or One-way? 

      B.Go ahead.

      C.What can I do for you?

      D.Are you living in Detroit?

      2.Tommy:How is everything with you?


      A.And you?

      B.They are much better than before.

      C.Yeah, it’s beautiful.

      D.Can’t complain.

      3.Larry:Why not stay here a little longer?

      Mary:I’d love to, but I really have to go. Thank you for inviting me.


      A.Well, hope to see you again.

      B.On top of the world, thanks.

      C.Pleased to meet you.

      D.It is easy to get to your place.

      4.Larry: I hate the nasty weather in this season of the year.

      Amy: ____

      A.I can’t agree more.

      B.No wonder you look so depressed.

      C.Thanks for saying that.

      D.It is none of your business.

      5.Janet: Can we talk for a second?

      Amy: ______

      Janet: Well, sort of. Yes.

      A.Sorry, I am busy at the moment.

      B.Where shall we meet?

      C.Sure, is there anything wrong?

      D.What can I do for you?

      6.Jamie:I am taking my final examination tomorrow.

      Lily:Oh, really? ______

      Jamie:Thank you for your good wish.


      B.Good luck!

      C.You made it.

      D.May I help you?

      7. General Manager:I think that is all for the coffee break. Stop the jokes and let us carry on with our discussion.

      Johnny:Okay. ______

      General Manager:Next topic is about…

      A. My pleasure.

      B.I’m glad to hear that.

      C.Let’s go to the point.


      8.Doctor: ______

      Patient: I am a teacher for a training center.

      Doctor: Do you often get tired?

      Patient: Yes, sort of.

      A.Where do you work?

      B.How do you feel now?

      C.What is your job?

      D.What is your address?

      9.Jack:Would you mind passing me the paper for me, Henry?

      Henry:______, here you are.

      A.Sure, my pleasure

      B.Yes,I mind

      C.I’d like to help, but I am afraid that I can not.

      D.Not at all

      10.John:Mary, this is Joe’s brother David.

      Mary:I’m very glad to meet you.

      David:It’s a pleasure to meet you.


      David:It’s really different from what I expected.

      John:Don’t worry. You’ll get used to it in no time.

      A.How is Joe?

      B.How do you like Florida so far?

      C.How are you doing so far?

      D.Would you like some tea?

      11.Jason:So, Annie, what do you do?

      Annie: ______

      A.I am cooking some fruit pie for the buffet.

      B.I am free now. What can I do for you?

      C.I am an actor.

      D.How do you do?

      12.Ken: How have you been these days, Jack?


      A.Nice to meet you!

      B.Can’t complain.

      C.Would you like going out this evening together?

      D.No one cares.

      13.Annie: Would you mind passing me the salt?

      Mel: ______

      A.Not at all, here you are.

      B.Okay, give you.

      C.Okay, so long.

      D.Sure, see you.

      14.Paul: ______

      Jason: Phew! These bags are so heavy that I cannot go on one more step.

      Paul: Just put them down. Let me open the door.

      A.Here you are!

      B.Here it is!

      C.Here we are!

      D.Okay, see you tomorrow.

      15.Casey: Hello?

      Fred: Hi, Stacey?

      Casey: This is Casey. ______ .

      Casey: Stacey, a guy.

      Stacey: Hello? This is Stacey speaking.

      Fred: This is Fred.

      A.You got the wrong person.

      B.I am not she.

      C.Who is this speaking?

      D.She is in the kitchen. Just a minute, please.




      1.A.这是旅客和售票人员的对话,A 项“双程还是单程”恰好符合对话情景,故正确;B 项是鼓励对方继续往下说的用语,与旅客的回话没有关系;C 项是服务人员询问旅客需要什么样的服务的用语;D 项是询问对方的住址。

      此对话是关于被问者近况的。A项是回答“how are you?”的,和“I am fine, thank you” 连用;B项是比较级,用于针对具体事务提问的回答,例如:How are the students performing? 学生最近表现怎么样啊?They are much better than before;C项适用于赞同对方对景色或者图片的赞美,例如:I have never seen such a pretty picture before. 我从来没有见过这么漂亮的图片。Yeah, it is beautiful;D项的字面意思是“不能抱怨”,指的是“最近还可以,没有什么值得抱怨的”,与对话情景相符,故正确。

      3. A 这个对话是道别。Larry挽留Mary多待一会,可Mary急着要走,A项意为“好吧,希望再次见到你。”这正好符合上下文的情景,故正确;B项表示自己最近很好,on top of the world “非常成功、万事如意”;C项是初次见面的礼貌用语;D项和对话的内容关系没有相关性,如果是Mary问Larry能不能找到Mary住的地方,Larry如果知道的话,可以用这个句子来回答。

      4. B B项“难怪你看上去有些郁闷”,表示由于天气的原因而感觉不舒服和郁闷,这恰好与题意相符,故正确;A项是表示赞同对方的观点;C项感谢对方能这么说,Amy看出Larry由于天气的原因而闷闷不乐,对于Larry来说没有什么值得感谢的;D项的用语非常粗鲁,Amy的同情换来了Larry的“不管你的事”,这是有违礼貌交际原则的。

      5. C “sort of”指的是“有点”,“或多或少的有点”。C项是一个一般疑问句,恰好构成Janet第二个句子的问句,故正确;A项拒绝了Janet的要求,和下一句没有承接关系;B项问Janet在什么地方谈话,而Janet的回答没有提及地点,所以也不能和Janet的第二句形成呼应;D项是用于询问对方需要什么样的帮助,与后继的回话无关。

      6. B 这个对话是表达祝对方好运。Jamie的回答已经暗示了Lily是预祝她考试成功。考试在第二天进行,所以A项的祝贺有点太早了;B项是祝对方好运,与情景正好相符;C项表示对方已经成功地做了某事,表示惊讶加欣喜;D项不是祝愿,是问对方是否需要帮助。

      7. C 这个场景是关于某公司的一个部门开会中间休息,然后继续讨论工作的。经理宣布休息结束,让大家不要讲笑话了,继续开会讨论。A项用于回答“Thank you”;B项是听到好消息时的反应;D项“干杯”是祝酒时所用的感叹词;C项表示“让我们言规正传”。符合语境。

      8. C 这个对话是询问工作种类的,而不是医生问病人病情。病人告诉医生的是他的工作而不是身体状况。A项问对方在什么地方上班;B项是询问病人的身体状况;D项是问住址;只有C项是询问对方的工作,跟病人的回答一致。Training center是培训中心。

      9. D“Would you mind doing …?”是询问对方干什么事情介意与否,如果不介意的话,回答应该含有 “no”或“not at all” 之类的否定词。从对话的内容看,Henry对于Jack的请求根本就没有介意,因为他递给了Jack那份Paper,故D项是正确的;A项可以用于回答正常的提问,像“Can you pass me that paper, please?” B项“是的,我介意”和C项“我想帮,但恐怕我不能”都和其后的“here you are”相矛盾。

      10.B 这是朋友间初次见面互相介绍对方的场景。其中John把David介绍给Mary,然后Mary向David问好。B项问David习惯不习惯Florida,和David的回答形成相关性很强的一对组合,因为David的回答是“和我预料的有点不一样”;A项是Mary问David的兄弟Joe的近况,David 的回答应该和Joe有关;C项是询问对方做某事的进度和成效如何;D项是询问对方需不需要来点茶。

      11.C“What do you do?”是习惯用语,意为“你是做什么工作的”。C项“我是个演员”,是正确选项;适合A项“我正在为冷餐会准备些水果派”的提问应该是“What are you doing?”;B项意为“我现在有空,我可以帮你什么忙吗?”;D项是初次见面的用语“你好!”。

      12.B 题干意为“你最近怎么样啊?”。B项的字面意思是“不能抱怨”,指的是生活还可以,因此是正确的;A项是第一次见面时候的用语,意为“见到你很高兴”;C项是邀请对方晚上一起出去;D项“没有人在乎”,不用于回答近况。

      13. A“Would you mind doing …?”意为“做……您介意吗?”对这个问题的回答,如果介意的话,就用“Yes,I mind.”,如果不介意,就用A项,表示不介意,而且将对方要的东西传递过去;B项从汉语的逻辑上分析好像是正确的,但是表达方式是中文式,表达汉语“给你”应该用英语“here you are”,而不是“give you”;C项和D项都是说再见时的用语,和“Good-bye,see you later”是意思一样。

      14. C 根据场景我们可以推断出Paul和Jason从外面刚回来,手里都拿着重物。从phew这个词我们就可以看得出来,因为phew表示松了一口气。A项“here you are”意为“这就是你所要的东西”;B项和A项的意思一样,意为“你要的东西在这里,拿去吧!”;D项用于说再见;只有C项“我们到了”,符合题目的场景。

      15. D 这是打电话的场景,有三个人参与,其中Casey和Stacey在一起,Fred给Stacey打电话,由Casey先接的。D项符合场景,因为Stacey和Fred在下文中开始交谈;A项“你找错人了”,不是礼貌的用语;B项“我不是她”和“this is Casey”重复;C项问对方是谁。但是从下面一句我们可以推断出,Casey说完了上面的一句话,就把电话给了Stacey,所以不可能问对方打电话的是谁;D项是接到对方电话,知道不是找自己,但是要找的人就在身边,我们可以用这样的表达方式,或者使用“Hold on, please.”,故D项是正确答案。

    本文标签: 研究生考试